Operationalizing ML is messy

VIANOPS makes it sparkle

Operationalizing ML models requires that data scientists get alerts on the right issues at the right time to find and resolve issues – fasterHave easy access to and visibility into data to perform Root Cause Analysis, segment data granularly, and find anomalies even in massive amounts of data.  And use recommendations or auto-triggers to retrain, and validate model performance to deploy with confidence.

Tutorial video

VIANOPS ML Process Flow

VIANOPS is the purpose-built platform that uniquely supports scalability across a large number of models, features, segments & data volumes in a cost-efficient way


Click here to view our ML process flow as a PDF

Model monitoring

Unmatched multi-dimensional views of your data in the context of your business for the most comprehensive insight to model performance.


    • View Feature Drift and Prediction Drift using Windowed and Distanced methods
    • Customize how you view drift – day to training data, weekday to last 10 weekdays, week-to-date to last 2 weeks.
    • View Model Performance over multiple time periods based on segments, overall population
    • Proactively detect model bias across sensitive attributes
    • Create custom bins to analyze performance in meaningful ways to your business
    • Define threshold based alerts and warnings to minimize alert fatigue

Model monitoring

Unmatched multi-dimensional views of your data in the context of your business for the most comprehensive insight to model performance.


    • View Feature Drift and Prediction Drift using Windowed and Distanced methods
    • Customize how you view drift – day to training data, weekday to last 10 weekdays, week-to-date to last 2 weeks.
    • View Model Performance over multiple time periods based on segments, overall population
    • Proactively detect model bias across sensitive attributes
    • Create custom bins to analyze performance in meaningful ways to your business
    • Define threshold based alerts and warnings to minimize alert fatigue

Root-cause analysis

Deep dive to uncover root cause and perform what-if analysis, across billions of data points at lightning speed.


    • Slice data into segments to uncover patterns, hotspots across individual sections of population
    • Perform data profiling and segment analysis
    • Drill down into drift patterns and hotspots in overall population and segments with highly flexible baseline and target time frames – Day-to-day, week-to-date, month-to-month, quarter-to-quarter
    • Explore any past target vs baseline comparisons
    • Correlate feature drift to prediction drift or to performance degradation
    • Perform ad-hoc drift analysis with Run-Now Policies


Leverage deep insights to know what steps to take to address model performance and drift.


    • Get recommendations to mitigate root cause
    • Understand retraining needs – entire dataset vs one or more segments
    • Trigger and integrate with your existing retraining workflows


Leverage deep insights to know what steps to take to address model performance and drift.


    • Get recommendations to mitigate root cause
    • Understand retraining needs – entire dataset vs one or more segments
    • Trigger and integrate with your existing retraining workflows


Gain confidence that your model will perform as expected


    • Test model performance with Champion/Challenger and Canary/Shadow testing
    • Perform uncertainty analysis to validate model performance *coming in 2023

Operationalizing Trusted, Transparent, ML Models At Scale – While Minimizing Costs

Easy integration via APIs

VIANOPS allows for seamless integration to your infrastructure. We create a frictionless experience to boost efficiency.

Data Sources

File Systems, Streaming Data, Feature Store…


Airflow. Jenkins..

MLOps platforms

AWS Sagemaker, Databricks…

Collaboration tools

Email, Slack…